Minutes from the September 26th, 2009 meeting of The Summit POA
The meeting opened at 12:45 p.m. with 22 people attending. Lynn and Michael Swalik brought a lovely lunch for the people attending.
After lunch, President Joel Turner started to speak bringing up various issues concerning The Summit.
As an existing board, we are obligated to have a quorum and meeting once a year. All Board members were present. Charlotte May Campbell was added to the Board as official Secretary.
Joel went on to say that quite a few owners own lots and because economics are slow, the payments are slow as well. Lots that are for sale in Rutherford County are not
selling. The owners who are way behind in their dues eventually liens will be put on their properties.
Jack Hoppenstodt from Yellow top attended our meeting as a friendly gesture. He offered many helpful suggestions from his expertise at Yellow top as past President. Yellow top just had their meeting October 10, 2009.
Joel went on to say to read the covenants before buying, send our payments to our accountant by January 1, 2010. There still are a handful of people that still owe their dues.
Lynn Swalik stated that Harrill is doing a fine job. Todd Black also was kind enough to bring his people in to take care of the brush.
regarding asphalt companies, yellow stripes or reflectors for the roads at night because of the fog.
Don Small gave the Treasurer’s report,
which is attached to this report. It’s mandatory that we have a reserve account; the numbers were disclosed by Don.
The answer to the fog question will be discussed by the Board and various solutions will be discussed and followed up. Tri City Paving was brought up by
Jack. They seem to be happy with them. Jack will further instruct us as to the cost, etc;
We voted to forego the reading of last years minutes. Joel has them on hand, of course.
A motion was made
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to by five or ten bags of a biodegradable non-detergent for keeping the brush from the roads and any sliding mud etc; The owners who live
here permanently will rely on themselves when ice storms hit.
Discussion was made and vote taken to change the
code of the gate. All was in favor. This should be done by the first of the year.
The meeting adjourned at 2:23pm.
Respectfully submitted, Charlotte May Campbell