• Tuesday, November 09th, 2010

Minutes from the September 11th, 2010 meeting of the Summit POA

In the absence of Charlotte May Campbell, Dr. Bob Campbell acted in her behalf as Secretary.

Twenty four owners attended plus thirty proxies received, thus, establishing a quorum.

Michael Swaluk, President of the Board, stated the Board has had difficulties investigating what Joel Turner (unfortunately, he has passed away) had in his house regarding the web site of the association and mail box keys because Joel’s family would not allow any entry to his home. As the result, the association had to put in an additional second mail box, which cost $1,300. Internet Web service will need to be changed as well.

Mike made the following announcements:

  • If any one has a problem with the gates, for instance, the gates don’t open; please call any of the Board members. They have the procedures to open the gates. The Board’s contact information is in here.
  • The codes for the gates will be changed next year and every member can have their individual code.
  • The gates will be painted prior to the end of the year.
  • FedEx has experienced no problems with deliveries here at the Summit.

Mike Smith stated that of 115 owners, $23,000 is the total amount of association dues we should be getting. However, nine owners owe $200, eight owe over $400. Mike Swaluk and Mike Smith will have a meeting with the lawyer of the association. Of the seventeen properties, four are owned by the bank. Liens will be served on these now.

The financial statement was read and approved

The following items were discussed:

  • Snow removal – It was brought up regarding problems with the roads. Heavy snow removal equipment can be a major problem in winter time such as insurance liability, etc. Casey Balken and Mike Swaluk will investigate snow removal and the liability insurance for the Community.
  • Road Damage – Mike Swaluk has received a letter of intent from Del Greco Construction regarding any damage to the roads that it is responsible for. Pictures of road damage were shown to the attendees.
  • Landscaping – Our Landscaper is doing a marvelous job. Road edge patching, when needed will be taken care of by him.
  • POA Web Site – The content of the POA’s old web site is preserved and a new web site is under construction. Within a month, the old web site will be stopped. We will include the updated list of owners in the new web site.

The association agreed a donation of $100 to the Fire Department, and to the Rescue Service.

The attendees discussed the fire that happened to Yellow Top and the ramifications thereof.

Lynn Swaluk brought up the issue of questioning of anyone we see that we don’t recognize, which then becomes a security factor.

Please thank Dr. Bob for filling in for me. He did a great job.

Thanks to Mike & Lynn Swaluk and the Board for their unending interest in our community.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte May Campbell for Dr. Bob Campbell

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11 Responses

  1. 1
    Al Hart 

    I own lot 4, but have not yet received any new gate code. If they have been changed, please let me know. I’m glad to see that the web site is again working.

  2. 2
    Steve Peng 

    The Board is planning to change the gate code and it will happen toward end of the first quarter, 2011. We will make sure all property owners receive the new code before the change happens.

  3. 3
    Rose Baldwin 

    My husband and I own lot 62 on Peseco Road. At the end of December, our well went dry. thats right no water. I contacted Carolina Well (Scott Gantt)who he came out once before because of a pressure switch problem. fixed it right away, no problem. Now it is my understanding that he needed to drill a new well, which was done, 800 ft. some water but not enough, now he has to have Mr.Camp come in to fracture the rock, $2500 more. This is getting expensive and still not enough water. This rock fracture is suppose to happen the end of next week, which will be approx.2/18/11. Has anyone else been having problems with water? It was at one time that Mr. Camp would state no water no pay, but been told no more. Does anyone know anything about this? It seems that we are throwing money in a hole and no results. Glad the website is up again. Thanks Rose

  4. 4
    Sherron Timmers 

    I would just like to thank the Board for all of the hard work that they do.
    Their time and effort is very appreciated.

  5. 5
    Carlos Borras 

    Glad to see the website up and running again and that we now have the ability to communicate with each other through these forums. I’d like to suggest that we restrict access to these forums for members only (just like we do for the members contact list) since what is discussed here is normally just for our own benefit? I was able to post this without a password so I assume it’s accessible to anyone. Just a thought.

  6. 6

    That is a good idea to allow only members to pose messages but that may require us to assign individual password to each of the members. We may still want to allow public just to view the messages to promote our community.

  7. 7
    Rose Baldwin 

    just to give everyone a update on our well problem, just take a warning DO NOT Contact Scott Gantt, Carolina Well, he left us HIGH and DRY. If you want more info call me 386 719 5596. Thanks Rose Baldwin

  8. 8
    Kim & Bob Fatora 

    We have not received new codes for the gate. We do have an automatic opener, will this work if we come to our property?

  9. 9
    Steven Peng 

    Please see the private email I replied.

    — Steve

  10. 10
    Dinesh Singh 

    POA dues and payment information.

    I suggest we include POA annual dues and where and how to pay information on the website. This will help out of the town members to be on time for their payment.

  11. 11
    Steven Peng 


    That is a good idea. I will bring this to the Board and if no objections, I will add the information to the web site.

    — Steve

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