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• Sunday, February 19th, 2012

The Summit annual meeting was held at the Methodist Church Saturday afternoon, September 24th. Approximately sixty eight members were in attendance.

POA president, Michael Swaluk, mentioned copies of the Covenants of Homeowners Association are available for those who would like to have them. The situation that some home owners who have not paid their Association fees was discussed. Michael J. Smith is in charge of resolving the situation. If the dues are not paid, the POA will be placing liens on the property of overdue accounts. Presently the amount due is $5700. For those who are behind , please make up for this deficit.

Mike also mentioned the salt bins have been put in strategic areas to help with any ice that may occur. Plans have been made to correct any swaying of the signs on the roads to make them secure and use the same colors as before.

Casey Balken and Bob Cymbalski will be on the committee for snow removal.

The Autumn Pumpkins that were enjoyed during the fall is due to the hard work of the Beautifying Committee headed by Lynn Swaluk.

The floor was then opened to any discussions the owners attending the meeting might have.

There were not a lot of questions, but if anyone wanted an answer to any particular problem or concern, please contact any of the officers .

We would like to mention our new owners, Dave and Mary Chords, lot 36.

A few other facts. Our President has saved the owners quite a bit of money for the year regarding mowing, insurance, etc. We all look forward to a beautiful area to reside in and the great neighbors that are coming into The Summit.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Charlotte May Campbell

Secretary, The Summit POA